Saturday, June 18, 2005

Stop procrastinating

2056 people on 43 things want to stop procrastinating. I am one of them. My wife used to making fun of my promises to do things earlier. When I was at college, a project deadline usually meant several sleepless nights at labs.

"Two common explanations are fear of failure and dread of taking on a long, boring, and/ or difficult tasks." Well said here.

Now I am starting my therapy.

  • Figure out why I am procrastinating and write them down.
  • Make a realistic and prioritized to-do list with two dates. The first date is the date I first thought of it and the second one is the date I finally accomplished it.
  • Break down big tasks into smaller jobs.
  • Write down planned rewards for each task.
  • Keep reminding myself how good I will feel when I am finished.
  • Tell my friends and family about my goals and ask them to check up on my work.
More advices can be found here.


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